Another hot boilermaker! I asked myself, "why am I waking up at 3am to endure the hot and humid weather of a well known and popular 15k?" Because I love every minute of it! Even when I'm cursing the hills of such a tough race, I enjoy the fanfare, the music, the many water stations, ice and popsicles along the way. It's one of the few longer races that I don't need to carry water.
The first four miles are up hill. And, what goes up must come down before the course levels out. But, don't be fooled. There are a handful more hills on the way to the finish. The first 5k go by in 25:43. At the 10k mark, I'm 50:57 into the race. Only have 5k to go and the race becomes a mental fight to the finish. So I break the last 5k one mile at a time. Where oh where is the finish line?!? Finally, 1:16:33.
Another good race. This year, so far, has been simply amazing.
Anybody out there run the Boilermaker 15k today? What was your experience like? Please share!
Thank you, please stop by again soon ;)
You did great! Love the finish line picture!